Why Do Cats Behave the Way They Do?

Why Do Cats Behave the Way They Do?


If you are a cat owner or cat lover, you know that cats are mysterious animals who like to explore. However, they are great pets to have.

Why are cats less domesticated than dogs?

Cats are more similar to their wild ancestors, which include a wide range of wild cat species including lions, tigers, panthers, etc. therefore dogs are in a sense more domesticated of the two species. Overtime, cats have adapted to living alongside humans and have became more sociable and much more accepting of people.

Why do cats purr?

We all have to admit that hearing a cats purr does have a calming effect on us.  Cats purr for numerous reason but they all have something to do with attention seeking, or just trying to communicate with each other or their human companions.  Adults cats will purr when they have something to say, like "please pay attention to me" or is they want to be petted.  Kittens will purr as a way of communicating to their mother to keep feeding them.  Be careful though because purring doesn’t always mean that your cat is happy.  Sick cats will sometimes purr as a cry for help.

Why are house cats more vocal than wild or feral cats?

Overtime, cats who have became pets and live with humans have learned that meowing is the most efficient way of getting our attention.  As humans, we get distracted with our every day life and a cats meow is a way of them trying to get us to acknowledge them and want they want or need.  There are also certain breeds of house cats, like the Siamese, who are more chatty than others.

What do cats think of us?

Ever notice when a cat rubs their body around your leg, or gently head buts you?  This is because they see you as friendly and non threatening to them.  At the same time your cat knows that you are superior to them.  Cats also feel affection naturally for the one's who feed, play with and look after them.  

If you're having trouble getting a newer pet cat to trust or show you love, one trick is to allow the cat to come to you and do not force yourself on the cat.

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